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why wasn't my lien release sent to the DMV?My title is marked with the lien release on 3/15/2007 but it was never sent to the DMV...I am now trying to sell my car and I can't. I am out of the country and can't go to the DMV...please do this as quickly as possible. the lien release number is either G108**** or G308****, the first number is not clear.

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by #1770605

Unfortunately, PissedConsumer cannot contact Carmax on behalf of the company customers with any requests. We have looked through the Carmax website and failed to find any information on how to send the lien release to the DMV.
Please contact the Carmax customer care team for assistance. You may reach out to them by phone at (800) 519-1511 or by submitting the online form on the Carmax Contact Us page.
As stated on carmax.com, customer relations specialists are available Monday - Friday, 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM EST.

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What car dealership is the best to buy from?I want a car but who shoul I buy through?

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